Friday, 4 February 2011

Natural Healing Herbs For Infertility

Next generation is signaled when a new life comes. Its every couples dream that they have someone who they can see grow up they same way they themselves grew up. It happens some times that couples how much ever they wish to, cannot give birth to new life. This is mainly due to infertility causing either the female or male to not be able to complete the process. The reasons for this are many. Males can have infertility due to low sperm count, deficient sexual activities & circulation problems. For females the reasons could be due to endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity in addition to some problems related to ovarian.

The attempts to resolve the matter is done by either by acupuncture, mineral & vitamin supplements and induction of herbs having fertility power. Vitamins are of vital importance in this context and an equal significance should be given to correct mineral content in a human’s body. We have enlisted a few methods for both females and males that might be of help to you.

Female Infertility: This applies to all and one, the significance of minerals and vitamins should never be underestimated and when taken with herbal medication their potency surges. Deficiency of vitamins & iron may lead to woman being infertile. Intake shall help in fight infertility. Women who are undergoing Clomiphene fertility medication should also consume Vitamin C as it raises the probability of conceiving. Vitamin E consumption by females raises production of female hormone. Licorice root, Dong quai, royal jelly extract, wild yam, panax ginseng are good when being used with formulas for fertility. A significant reason for sterility is endometriosis and can be challenged via proper diet consumption, by certain intake of herbs like budrock root, dong quai, alfala, red raspberry leaf & red clover which can be termed to be a woman’s herb nutrients provider, hormone-balancing phytoestrogens & trace minerals and physical care. One more formula for helping is false unicorn root, damiana, gotu kola, dong quai ginseng, wild yam root & licorice root.

Male Infertility: For men vitamin C raises production of sperm, the sperm’s mobility and makes the flow like a river instead of being a pond. Vitamin C deals with impotency too. While vitamin E gives thrust to production of hormones adding to ones sex wish list. It doubles up by providing oxygen to the organs that reproduce, giving impetus to potency. The Mexican herb - Damiana is a common medication for purpose of sex and at the same time it raises the sperm count and keep the mood lively. The same effect can be derived from astragalus root, L-arginine, panax ginseng, sarsaparilla. The Chinese ancient tree extract of Ginkgo Biloba is also very useful for this purpose and has many other benefits that make it an ideal choice.

These herbs are all useful but there is no substitute for a proper diet, the consumption of vitamins and minerals, an active physical life along with good balanced weight can help you avoid these circumstances and help maintain longevity in reproductive system.

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